Tuesday, June 17, 2008

In My Shoes

No skeletons in the closet please...

Stilettos, wedges, ballerina's flats, pumps, Mary Jane, peep-toes...you name it, I have had them all. For a girl who dreamed of owning a pair of Jimmy Choo at the age of 15 ( well, that was before I came across Manolo Blahnik), I certainly hold on to the adage that a girl could not have enough pairs of shoes and the premeire of Sex and the City : The Movie certainly make this all the more relevant I should say. Thus, it is only fortunate that my mum shares my fervent interest and my feet size because I can get her the heels every time I come home as Vincci and Nose have yet to open their stores in Alor Star. But then again, a wise friend once said that I only buy her the shoes that I like so that I can borrow later, so there you go again. While our collection is still a long way to rival that of Imelda Marcos', they are certainly my pride and joy.

now look, isn't this lovely and sweet?

here's a killer peep-toe in a cool shade

this is her 47th birthday gift which could also be handy for evening wear

the one which every shoepaholic could say no to...

Well, I don't know whether it is a blessing or disguise when these sweeties could not be brought to action during teaching practice as I am under the impression that we have to wear pumps that cover our feet, toes and all (which brings to mind, what is so indecent about peep-toes in the first place?) Nevertheless, it does save me from performing kamikaze on my own feet as no sensible teacher would want to climb 3 flights of stair and stand for hours in these killer heels all day. So, in light of the coming practicum, I have settled for something more demure this time.

This is one hot bargain that I bought at just RM29.90, can you believe it? It is rather comfortable minus the cut-throat prices of Hush Puppies and I scouted around for this shade of beige because it could go with most of my outfits. Even the heels are at a very sensible 2-inch-high.

With teaching practice being around 2 weeks away, shopping around for the few essentials (yes, they are really essentials) was one of the preparations that I have done. Actually I didn't do much to prepare myself for the past month, excusing myself partly by the fact that I am not aware of which form I will be teaching, which is plainly, just a lazy excuse. Guess I have to buck up these few remaining free days by checking out all the ESL activities on the URLs compiled on Sifu's site. By the by, need I also mention that I have coloured my hair to a darker shade of burgundy, which my mum insist is just plain black lah but some shades of colour can still be seen under the sun, this I must stress...

1 comment:

Labyrinth said...

it's like watching the red carpet at a lower angle! Nice shoes and great sensible choice for Teaching Prac. Any black ones as well? You will dirty the beige one in no time. hehe G luck!