Here's the thing people, when it comes to teachers, the images that most people conjure up would be those of the no-nonsense, frumpy ones. However, there is an emerging breed of new English teachers from the graduation year of 2009 who are set to bring a breath of fresh air into the teaching profession. So for those of who have made it into the hall of fame, so sorry for exposing the candid teachers in you ya. Please don't be offended ok, it is all done in good humour.
The Joker, Angela Teo
The Musician Wannabe, Jennifer Tan
The Tough One, Chee Hwei in a gender-bending role (
she's so going to kill me this time)

The Crazy Teachers

Crazy Teacher 1 : Poay Ling

Crazy Teacher 2 : Joan Kan
The Scary Teacher, Jefeft Aw
The Food Connoisseur, Shih Min
The Opportunistic Photographer, Kenny
The Beautiful Teacher, Ainul Saadiah
Mabel in the background is also beautiful

The So- I -Think- I -Can -Dance -Teachers, Oliver, Kenny,Ben & Kean ( 1st yr)
It's a bit obscene here lah, dude
The Benevolent Teacher, April Ong
The Funny-Faced Teacher, Oliver Kee

The Oh, so Lovely Teacher, Tracy Looi
The So-Good-To- Kiss-Teacher, Ying Ying
Or is it Angelina Jolie in one of her pre-Brad Pitt moments?What do you think about this one?
Me lah
1 comment:
Thanks for putting my photo here... but... but.... HAHAHAHAHAH... i really look so crazy.... hahahahaa.... our old sweet time together... i miss those time... muaakss...
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